Set in the same universe as The Walking Dead, the series Fear The Walking Dead is a drama that explores the beginning of the undead apocalypse through the portrait of a family in crisis. Set in a city where people go to escape, to hide their secrets and bury their pasts, the plot shows that a sudden outbreak threatens to disrupt what little stability remains for high school supervisor Madison Clark and English teacher Travis Manawa.
The everyday pressure of bringing the two families together, dealing with children who grew up full of resentment, needs to take a backseat when society begins to fall apart. With the need to evolve, in a scenario where only the fittest survive, the dysfunctional family must reinvent itself or surrender to its dark stories.
A horrifying zombiocalypse spin-off series from The Walking Dead, set in the same universe but starting at a far earlier time in Los Angeles. The show follows normal people learning to deal with the rapidly growing collapse of civilization, at the very beginning of a zombie outbreak. In Los Angeles, a city where people come to escape, shield secrets, and bury their pasts, we follow this mysterious outbreak as it threatens to disrupt what little stability high school guidance counselor Madison Clark and English teacher Travis Manawa have managed to assemble. The pressure of blending two families while dealing with resentful, escapist, and strung out children takes a back seat when society begins to break down. A forced evolution, and survival of the fittest takes hold, as our dysfunctional family finds they must either reinvent themselves or embrace their darker histories.